Thursday, August 28, 2008

I Added Something!

To be honest, I have no idea how I was able to add a bookshelf to my page, but I am excited that it's there! I am so hoping that when my friend gets home from California, she will be able to show me the ropes, so to speak. I just love how she has laid out her blog page. It is so fresh and bright.

Blessed to have a long week-end ahead. Dh is off Saturday and Sunday but is working Labor Day. It's one of his scheduled holidays to work. He is a hospice nurse and works in people's homes. He is the one who is there when someone passes, more often than not. God has blessed him with a tremendous gift of compassion. Who knew that after 21 years at one job, climbing the corporate ladder, awesome benefits, etc. that God would place this in his heart. He truly finds joy in being able to pray with and, yes, lead folks to the Lord while working. I just love him so much!

With the windows done and framing complete, we are now on to pressure washing, sealing and ultimately painting. So much going on in my mind regarding paint colors. We picked up paint samples to paint on the wall before we actually buy. We will put up the samples first, but I fear that I already do not like the color we chose for the trim to which hubby just rolled his eyes. He says "choose before we buy, lady! Once it's up, it stays up." He's so cute. ;-)

We have a team TBQ party on Saturday. I am a bit apprehensive to go, but am learning to work within myself to be able to stand tall and not be the door mat that I have been with certain people and situations. God is showing me grace and mercy as well as strength. I need to be a role model for my girls as well as others and am praying daily and searching God's Word for confirmation and wisdom. Parties are supposed to be fun, right? So...... I am PLANNING on having FUN!
Be Blessed.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Too Much Going On!

I am not quite sure how people keep up with blogging! There is so much to do in a day's time. I guess this becomes a part of daily living, huh?

Our newest addition is adjusting pretty well to life in our household. The girls just love her and want to carry her everywhere. Funny thing about this little kitten she doesn't like to be held and carried. She loves to be touched and scratched, etc., just when she is on the ground. We have changed her name to Rilee. She looks like a Rilee and the name seems to roll off the tongue a bit easier. I think maybe we got a new addition a bit too early for us humans. There are times when both cats get called by the name of our baby who recently passed: Allie. Bringing Rilee into our family was great timing for our other cat as Suzie is 1 year old and truly needs a playmate. They get along famously!! If only I could get Rilee to quit cleaning my eyelids in the middle of the night.

The changing of windows has been quite a venture. We replaced the 2 windows in the front of our home. We went from 6 foot windows to 4 foot, which is quite a shock when you watch the process. Our home is over 30 years old and in need of window replacement. While replacing windows we decided to do away with shutters and add a chair rail and frame the new windows. It looks so nice. Next step: pressure wash and painting of the house. Now that will be a fun venture! The girls are so looking forward to helping. Hopefully, dad will be as excited about their wanting to help as they are! :-)

Be Blessed.