Monday, August 11, 2008

So uncomfortable with all of this!

Ok, so I asked some of friend who actually blog and LOVE it, just how to get started and how much time would be involved. One very sweet friend gave me some tips but I am so lost right now. It took me over a hour just to do what is on the main page! I did manage to download a picture of my dear hubby and myself, of which I am quite proud! :-)

I have seen blogs that are so decorative with so many neat sites to click on, etc. A few have bookshelves, etc. Ok, so how do all of those things just show up someone's page! hmmmm....

Anyway, I am hoping that can find my way back here to continue the learning process as well as learn more about myself!

Be Blessed!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Looks great!
Welcome to blogland! : )